First a quick acknowledgement here that the holidays can bring up a lot of grief (as well as joy and lights and family time,) especially if this is the first season since a loved one went through a death transition— and really— it’s always hard to not have their physical presence this time of year — whether you’re missing a human, animal, or plant etc. loved one, this is just a little note from me to you that it’s hard when yes, grief is also part of the holidays, even though few acknowledge this.
Grief is love so of course it is present during the holidays, we grieve because we love, we love because we grieve, they are an interconnected river that we bob and flow down our whole lives…
The video above shares a movement I learned from Hare, a way to shake things up in the grieving process. A way to “hop” toward the ground, to release into the earth.
Video Credits:
I originally made this video as a bonus resource for my self-guided mourning ritual bundle. Check it out if you’re in need of support processing acute or lingering grief about the death transition of a loved one (human or companion animal), ecological grief, or the death of a circumstance (i.e. relationship, job, home).
Mourning singer, animal communicator, sonic journeyer FayePatrick Kennedy created the score for this video.
Dandelion popped into my head right away when I started dreaming up an herbal pairing for this movement. All parts of dandelion can be enjoyed by the human and rabbit. For this week though, I want to invite you to imbibe dandelion root, as it is a powerful digestive tract supporter (it’s bitter qualities activate bile production in the stomach and small intestine- promoting ease of digestion at the beginning and end of this process). Dandelion root is also an ally to the liver (aiding with detoxification) which can be helpful after holiday parties.
Before I share more about creating a dandelion decoction I want to let you know that I’ll be holding the new moon mourning gathering on:
Monday December 30th at 3pm eastern/12pm pacific
This will be a time to process grief through simple breathing techniques and movements and it may be helpful to carve out this time for yourself as an antidote to holiday intensity. I’ll send out the link and a reminder the day before.
Dandelion Decoction:
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